In our letter to shareholders on September 30, 2015 we stated our objective of continuing our advancement into the wireless infrastructure industry via our subsidiary Spectrum Velocity™. We are 100 percent committed to this industry as our primary business and sole focus for the foreseeable future.
We have decided on this path because of the substantial growth potential of the industry over the next 5 years and more. The articles linked below discuss the potential of this industry and strongly validate the reason we have chosen to put our focus on Spectrum Velocity™.
On October 7, 2015, an article appeared announcing that The Market Research Store released a new market research report detailing the Wireless Infrastructure Market Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2013 to 2019. Titled Global Wireless Infrastructure Market at $58 Billion Will Be $163 Billion by 2019, the report goes into great detail laying out why the wireless infrastructure market will achieve significant growth. “Market Research predicts that the dramatic growth of wireless infrastructure is based on the growth of smart phones to a one trillion market by 2019.”
Other media mentions regarding the growth of the wireless infrastructure market include an article that appeared on WhaTech on October 5, 2015. This article stated that the broader wireless network infrastructure market encompassing macrocell RAN, small cells, C-RAN, RRH, DAS, mobile core, backhaul and front-haul infrastructure will continue to witness growth over the coming years. By the end of 2020, they predicted this market is expected to account for over $92 Billion in revenue.
Even the government has recognized the reach and explosive growth in this industry. In’s article on wireless direction, they stated that there are “hearings this week in both the House and Senate focusing on streamlining wireless broadband deployment and shaking loose underutilized spectrum controlled by the U.S. government”.
These articles are but a few that provide further evidence that the wireless infrastructure market is a busy marketplace and the growth forecasts are all very bullish. They provide additional support as to why we are committed to this industry. Our goal is always to position Icon Media for maximum benefit in this growing industry, both for the Company and its shareholders, and we are encouraged about all the research that validates our mission.